Wednesday, February 27, 2008


1. Topic Area
TV Drama

2. Proposed title, question, hypothesis
What makes Spooks so successful?

3. Teacher approval granted, in principal?

4. Principle texts (if text based study)
Spooks Drama series 6

5. Reason for choice
I enjoy watching spooks myself and think that I would find it interesting to find out why so many people enjoy watchuing spooks. I also think that I will be able to discover information which I did not already know, therefore I will be learning throughout my research project, which will keep me interested and enthusiastic

6. Academic context for this study (similar research, relevant theory, named theorists)
Jim Sangstar

7. Institutional context for this study (industry focus, other texts for comparison, named practitioners, relevant theory, issues, questions)
Looking at the BBC as the industry which is the broadcaster of the drama. I will also look at viewer statistics which will be provided by the industry. I will also look at The Bill, an ITV drama, to see how different crime dramas have different audiences, and what makes one more successful than another

8. Identify the audience context for this study (audience profile, access to audience, potential sample)
I will be looking at including both male and female into my study from around the age of 16 to about 65. So I will have a large audeince profile, as I believe that spooks has a large target audience and appeals to a vast number of people, possibly making it so successful. I hope my research, however, will help me to discover the reasons why such diverse age groups and genders find the drama appealing. I will be able to use family and friends and also many friends in school to gain research into my project

9. How will the 4 key concepts be relevant to your study (audience, institution, forms and conventions, representation)?
I will look at the reasons why the audience feel that Spooks is so successful and what attracts them to watching the programme. This can be carried out by interviews and questionnaires. I will look at the statitics provided by the industry on the viewer ratings of Spooks and the way in which the BBC may contribute to the success of Spooks. I could also look at the type of scheduling strategies that the BBC has used in order to make Spooks more attractive to watch. Content Analysis will allow me to look at the forms and conventions of Spoks, and possibly even compare it to other crime dramas. I will also be able to look at the representation which is found in spooks and link this to the ways in which the audience recieve this representation

10 . Potential research sources (secondary): secondary academic books and websites, secondary industry books and websites, secondary popular criticism. Please identify specific examples you have come across

11. Potential research sources (primary): audience reception research, your own content/textual analysis etc
Questionnaires, interviews, statistic analysis, content analysis of the drama

12. Modifications agreed with your lead teacher

13. Potential limits/obstacles/problems?
That there may not be very many secondary research material avaliable to me, as it is a fairly new drama

14. Teacher concerns

15. Teacher approval

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


1.What topic area is the proposal for?
Women and Film

2.What is the suggested focus?
Researching the ways in which women are represented in chic-flick films such as Devil Wears Prada and 13 Going On 30

3. Do you have an idea for a question/problematic?
How are women represented in chic-flicks?

4. Why would you choose this?
I like watching chic-flicks myself, and being a women would like to study the ways in which directors portray us in such films

5. Do you have any concerns or are their any limitations to this proposal?
I feel that the question is not specific enough and i need to narrow it down and look at a certain trait women possess which is represented in chic-flick films

6. Can you rate it on a sliding scale from 1 to 5 (5 being good and 0 being lousy)?

1.What topic area is the proposal for?
Crime and the Media

2.What is the suggested focus?
Researching into the ways in which different TV programmes portray violence to teenagers depending on whether they are real-life programmes or fictional ones

3. Do you have an idea for a question/problematic?
How do fiction TV crime programmes portray violence to teenagers differently from reality crime TV programmes?

4. Why would you choose this?
I enjoy watching real-life programmes, such as Crimewatch, and also enjoy watching fictional prgrammes such as Spooks and therefore feel it would be interesting to look at the ways in which these different programme affects people my age

5. Do you have any concerns or are their any limitations to this proposal?
I may not have enough resources to allow for in-depth research. Also I may find that the topic is too broad

6. Can you rate it on a sliding scale from 1 to 5 (5 being good and 0 being lousy)?

Monday, February 11, 2008


1.What topic area is the proposal for?
TV Drama

2.What is the suggested focus?
To look at the institutional and audience reasons why a TV drama such as Spooks is so successful through a variety of methods

3. Do you have an idea for a question/problematic?
What makes spooks so successful?

4. Why would you choose this?
I really have enjoyed wathcing spooks and therefore would thoroughly enjoy this research project

5. Do you have any concerns or are their any limitations to this proposal?
That there may not be many secondary research sources on the Spooks programme

6. Can you rate it on a sliding scale from 1 to 5 (5 being good and 0 being lousy)?

1.What topic area is the proposal for?
TV Drama

2.What is the suggested focus?
Looking at the way in which so called 'chick-flick' dramas have emerged

3. Do you have an idea for a question/problematic?
How a new emergence of chic-flick dramas have occured

4. Why would you choose this?
I have an interest in this genre of drama and therefore would find the area of research interesting. I also feel that I would learn new things whilst researching this topic

5. Do you have any concerns or are their any limitations to this proposal?
I may not have enough resources to allow for in-depth research. Also I may find that the topic is too broad

6. Can you rate it on a sliding scale from 1 to 5 (5 being good and 0 being lousy)?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


How a new emergence of chic-flick dramas have occured
What makes spooks a successful TV drama?

How do TV programmes portray violence to teenagers?

The ways in which women are represented in chic-flicks

Women in British Cinema by Sue Harper
Working Girls by Yvonne Tasker
OC Website
Mistresses Website
Sex and The City Website
Devil Wears Prada- Film and Book
Mean Girls
P.S I love You
Pretty Women
Crime Watch
Police Camera Action
The Bill
Trial and Retribution